Monday 1 October 2012

Week 10, the event

Natural disasters
  • Landslide - the building would be totally shifted and would be collapses on the side closest to the location of the landslide. Rubble would pile at the bottom of the landslide. Old and torn newspaper clippings will hang on the walls describing the chaotic landslide while a fuzzy television repeatedly plays a news story covering the event.
  • Flood - the building's interior will have a swamp like appearance, the walls and floors will be covered in moss and forest vegetation. The marble will be damp stained. Animals such as flies and frogs will be abundant. Sand bags will be placed as a hint that a flood has occurred.

  • Soil where landslide located continuously falling down and tearing more of the building away, rubble sliding down edge or land form.
  • Floors cracking and starting to fall away as they are walked on.
  • Eerie sound effects of wind, dripping water and cracking or crumbling sounds.
  • Building floods more and more over time - water level rises until eventually the player is totally underwater and needs to swim.
  • Television image progressively gets weaker and more static until eventually stopping.

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