Thursday 1 November 2012

Experiment 2, link to files

Experiment 2, video clip

Experiment 2, images

Experiment 2, strategy statement

Architecture: Barcelona Pavilion
Event: Climate change - increased rain causing flood and landslide

My scene depicts the after effects of sever climate change. In an area struck with rapid and consistent rainfall, issues of flood and landslide occur causing abandonment and over time, decay.

The marble and concrete structure were modelled in a crumbling state. Decals and textures were layered to give the concrete and marble walls a stained and dirty appearance with numerous cracks. Cracking and crumbling is a common way for concrete to corrode due to compressive or tensile stress and marble has a tendency to stain when oxidised. Glass panels appear cracked due to wind.

Signs of flood are the overgrown and swamp like ponds, puddles and the outstretch of moss growing over surfaces. The concrete walls are affected by damp stains and the steel posts are rusted. Frogs and other wildlife now inhibit the space. Old newspaper clippings of articles describing the event and abandonment of the architecture are positioned throughout the building, requiring the player to stop and read at various spots. I had originally intended to have these newspaper articles work as pickable objects although had difficulty achieving this.

The motion of landslide is seen interactively using an area trigger and applied physics. As the player enters game mode the action of the landslide occurs and rocks from the surrounding cliff faces are torn away, scattering rocks and boulders throughout part of the architecture. As the player walks through the building, an area trigger is also used to cause one of the walls to crumble and fall away.

Human occupation is represented by the inclusion of stained and dirty furniture with rusted metal parts which is tossed around the interior of the building amongst rubbish and newspaper clippings which mention the event.

The scene is enhanced by modifying the environment. A dark and gloomy mood is established with the addition of weather effects including heavy rain, thunder and lighting and a dark and overcast sky. Ambient noise was also added to make the weather seem more real.

Week 12/13/14, progress

1. Importing models to cryengine

 2. Textures

 3. Water and decals

4. Swamp

 5. Broken glass and rust

6. Furniture and human occupation

8. Rock slide

9. Environment modification - weather

10. Environment modification - sky and lighting

Monday 8 October 2012

Week 11, trailers

The Abandoned

I Am Legend

The Day After Tomorrow

Shutter Island

28 Days Later

Monday 1 October 2012

Week 10, the event

Natural disasters
  • Landslide - the building would be totally shifted and would be collapses on the side closest to the location of the landslide. Rubble would pile at the bottom of the landslide. Old and torn newspaper clippings will hang on the walls describing the chaotic landslide while a fuzzy television repeatedly plays a news story covering the event.
  • Flood - the building's interior will have a swamp like appearance, the walls and floors will be covered in moss and forest vegetation. The marble will be damp stained. Animals such as flies and frogs will be abundant. Sand bags will be placed as a hint that a flood has occurred.

  • Soil where landslide located continuously falling down and tearing more of the building away, rubble sliding down edge or land form.
  • Floors cracking and starting to fall away as they are walked on.
  • Eerie sound effects of wind, dripping water and cracking or crumbling sounds.
  • Building floods more and more over time - water level rises until eventually the player is totally underwater and needs to swim.
  • Television image progressively gets weaker and more static until eventually stopping.

Week 10, decay sketches

Week 10, decay reference images

Monday 24 September 2012

Week 9, material research


What is the process of making material?

Composed primarily of cement, aggregate and water. The cement consists of a variety of fine ground powders which harden when mixed with water.

How long will the material last for?

Life span differs depending on the strength of concrete and the environmental condition but generally it has a very long or even permanent service life.

What makes the material corrode?
Concrete corrodes by dissolution and cracking or crumbling due to tensile or compressive stress or environmental factors such as temperature variation (e.g. freezing) or exposure to chemicals. Rusting also occurs to steel in reinforced concrete.

What are the pros and cons of the material?

Pros: Fire resistant, generally weatherproof, strong in compression.
Cons: Temperature variation can cause cracking, weak in tension

What is the material typically used for?

Concrete it widely used in building for bridges, roads, walls, footings, floors, columns and beams.

What are the environmental impacts of the material?

Cement is a major producer of carbon dioxide and the hard surface of concrete can contribute to surface run off which can cause soil erosion and water pollution.


What is the process of making material?

Marble is a metamorphic rock.

How long will the material last for?

Marble is considered a permanent material.

What makes the material corrode?
Environmental conditions, in particular high levels of acidic gases (such as sulphur dioxide) causes marble to corrode. Oxidation can also cause marble to stain.

What are the pros and cons of the material?

Pros: Strong in compression, fire and heat resistant, waterproof.
Cons: Weak in tension

What is the material typically used for?

Marble is mostly used in flooring or bench tops.

What are the environmental impacts of the material?

As marble is a natural material it is bio-degradable and eco friendly.


What is the process of making material?

Steel is iron that has had the majority of impurities removed. Various metals are alloyed with the iron to create various characteristics.

How long will the material last for?

Long life span.

What makes the material corrode?
Condensing water and air causes steel to rust.

What are the pros and cons of the material?

Pros: Strong in both compression and tension, ductile.
Cons: Loses strength in extremely high temperatures.

What is the material typically used for?

Steel is widely used in architecture, bridges, roads, railways, vehicles and appliances.

What are the environmental impacts of the material?

Recyclable and reusable. 

Week 9, textures

